Statement from the Trophy Secretary

I am delighted to announce that we have been donated two new annual trophies for the Junior Doubles Class. With thanks to both Bryanston School and Churcher’s College, we now have:

Trophy 31        The Mark Adams Trophy.

                        Donated by Churcher’s College for the 2nd Fastest Junior Crew

Trophy 32        The John Moore Trophy

                        Donated by Bryanston School for the 3rd Fastest Junior Crew

 Nomination Trophies

 A reminder to all crews, support crews and interested parties that there are 2 trophies for which the DW seeks nominations. Email nominations after the race to

 Trophy 96        The Jon White Trophy

Donated by the Royal Marines Charity and the RAF Sports Federation for the disabled paddler, or paddlers, displaying exceptional determination and resolve over adversity.

 Trophy 99        The Sir Louis and Lady Gluckstein Trophy

For the crew or individual displaying exceptional courage and fortitude.

 Pfeiffer Cup

 Many paddlers use the DW to raise funds for a charity or cause that means something personally to them. There are no official records, but by looking back at recent years and the amounts raised, it is likely that the paddlers of DW have raised well over £1M since the first race in 1948. Indeed that number could be nearer to £2M because the winners of the Pfeiffer Cup, awarded each year to the crew that raise the most money, have themselves raised over £250,000 since 2012. And of course, in every year there are paddlers that may not raise the most money, but certainly raise significant amounts.

 If you are racing this year and raising money, let us know the final amount raised. You may end up being the winner of the Pfeiffer Cup this year.

A full copy of the statement can be found here.


2024 DW entry list revealed


Statement from the Chief Umpire